I know chemists if you give them kitchen utensils they can turn soft matter to hard. They can stretch the compound of a matter with ease. I know mathematicians that can add subtract multiply move decimals in a second of the top off there heads. I know actors that can pretend to be anything at any time . I once saw a guy take apart a hole engine and put it back together with made up tools and fixed that car in one night. All of these people that I am talking about are from my hood and your hood. Most of them have no education nor money just instinct. During the times of slavery the slaves had routes that went on for miles and miles that led them to freedom. A lot of the inventions came from minorities and their ideas were stolen from them. They still cant fully explain how pyramids and Sphinx were built and hundreds of years later still standing strong. They try to make you forget the beginning started in Africa. When man wanted knowledge he went and learned it in Africa some stole it just as much as they stole the lands and its minerals. Every time they put us down we get back up. The majority of athletes in football baseball and boxing are minorities but some want you to believe we are inferior cause if you know the truth you might be inclined to try to reach your full potential

The black woman is the only human that has the mitochondrial DNA with all the possible variations for every kind of human being. When the DNA of black women mutates, all other types of human being come about. This “Eve gene” is only found in black women.
After one African man, Albert Perry, passed away, researchers discovered an unusual distinct Y chromosome. While all humans had previously been traced back to one common ancestor, referred to as Adam, DNA technicians traced Perry’s lineage to a much earlier time. It means that Perry, and others with the same distinct Y chromosome, found in a small area of Cameroon, actually are not descendants of “Adam.” Their origins push the dawn of humanity back from 140, 000 to 338,000 years ago — or 70 percent earlier than previously estimated, according to the study
The very pigment that gives Black people their skin complexion is the source of many miraculous health benefits. Melanin provides incredible protection against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, neutralizes harmful effects of others forms of radiation, fights off signs of aging and so much more. Perhaps even more astounding is melanin’s unique ability to absorb certain energy sources such as light and sound waves, and convert them into reusable energy
James M. Tanner, the author of The Physique of the Olympic Athlete, pointed out the major racial differences among athletes in the Olympics and discovered that there is a reason so many of the top track and field competitors are of African descent. Studies revealed that the muscle composition of West Africans genetically allows them to be “the most anaerobically efficient athletes” due to the way their bodies process energy.
In the U.S., sports are dominated by men and women of West African descent. The same reason, namely the low body fat, provides blacks of West-African origin with an advantage in sprinting, as well as in football and basketball. When it comes to long distance running, East-Africans excel due to their lack of a fully developed Gastrocnemius, also known as the lower calf muscle.
The first prominent Islamic hospital was founded in Damascus, Syria in around 707 CE. However most agree that the establishment at Baghdad was the most influential. The public hospital in Baghdad was opened during the Abbasid Caliphate of Harun al-Rashid in the 8th century
The Royal Library of Alexandria or Ancient Library of Alexandria in Alexandria, Egypt, was one of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world. It was dedicated to the Muses, the nine goddesses of the arts.
early dynastic Egypt were the first civilizations to define their borders.
The first five books of the Bible (called the Pentateuch) are traditionally held to have been written by Moses in the Wilderness of Sinai (which is in the country of Egypt and continent of Africa). Also, Jeremiah may have written at least some of his book from Egypt, where he was taken after the fall of Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar
The First Dynasty of ancient Egypt (or Dynasty I) covers the first series of Egyptian kings to rule over a unified Egypt
MOSES from the bible was from The Land of Goshen a place in Egypt